Sunday, January 2, 2011

Let Freedom Ring

Some of you will notice that this is the title of a powerful song that was sung by the Gaither Vocal Band. I have no intent of using the songs words in this blog, I just find that the words are appropriate for what I wish to say today

We are now into our second day of having crossed over the threshold of a new year. The door to 2010 has closed behind us and our ability to relive that year is passed. The green shoots of dreams and ambitions are being watered by the rains of hope and confidence. Before us lays a new path for a new year. It is unemcumbered by poor decisions and circumstances. It is straight, inviting us to take the walk of renewed strength and power for the future.

There will be days as we walk this path of 2011, that we will encounter those who have faltered. Those whose lives are rancid with dispair,hopelessnes and defeat. Who live their lives chained to the guilt of their past. The dark cloud of bitterness will be their covering.

But we as christians are a people who have found our freedom through the blood of Christ. We have been washed and cleaned. The chains of our lives guilt have been broken and cast aside. He has entered our lives, our hearts and put a joy in us beyond our comprehension. His words I Forgive you echo through the halls of our mortal bodies,minds and souls. We have been made heirs of God.

Let the spark that was started in you grow to be a flame, let that flame shine bright to those you meet. Let the hope that he has put in you shout out to the world around you. Let the forgiveness you have, not be held captive by your silence,but be shared with power.

Let our voices be heard in the smallest town of the smallest country, to the largest city of the largest country. Let us declare Christ's love. Let us lift his Praise to the skies and sing as the rocks and the hills cry out. Let us share the hope we have to the hopeless. Let us announce his forgiveness to those who seek forgiveness. Let us help break those chains of guilt by Wielding the word of God. Let us live our live as real people, those who are not perfect but forgiven by God Grace and Mercy. For our Faith is not a crutch, it is strength and it is Freedom.

This year Let Us declare God's forgiveness and our Faith. Let Freedom Ring from every part of this place we call earth !!!! Let us make a difference in 2011!!!


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