Monday, January 24, 2011

The Clock is ticking

Tick,Tick,Tick the sound of the 12'Oclock chime is sounding bong,bong, bong. Soon it will be midnight. I wonder how many of you watched the New York New Years eve celebration, I know millions do. Everyone waits and when the time gets ten seconds to midnight everyone starts counting down the time. Great anticipation fills the air with the hope of a new year.
Well there is another clock that is ticking, the clock that is counting down to four things. 1) the clock is ticking down on our lives. Every breath we take is one breath that is closer to our death. Every heart beat is one more beat closer to its silence. Ever since we were born we start dying it is a fact. 2) The clock is ticking down to when Jesus will come to take his church, his bride home to be with him. The Rapture. 3) Closely following this is the beginning of the tribulation. A time of horror that this earth has never experience before. A time when pure evil will reign and those that go through this, well it is to terrible and I grieve for those who will be left behind to have to live through this. 4) The thousand year reign of Christ that will come after the tribulation. Now that time will be good .
When I was younger there were days that I feared the coming of the Rapture. I wasn't sure if I would go.I was afraid, what would I do if I was left behind, would I get a second chance. How would I live if I didn't take the mark of the beast. I would be condemned for eternity. In my adult life there were times I feared the coming of the Lord. In the times that I had walked away from him and knew my life and heart weren't right with him. When I finally got myself right with God then I knew I no longer had the fear of his coming.
Now as I think about Christ's coming to take the church through the Rapture I look forward to it. I can't hardly wait to finally see my Savior to bow in his presence and thank him for his forgiveness and his Grace and Mercy he has shown me even though I have never deserved it. Even though I look forward to his coming there is a greater part of me that grieves. I grieve at the thought of so many people that haven't accepted Christ into their lives the millions and probably billions. So many people are so close to being left behind or dying and never having another chance for forgiveness. So many potential people that are going to follow the Antichrist and being dammed to hell, only to have total and absolute separation from God who loves them so much and wants to have a relationship with them. It really makes me sad.
Its for that reason I write these blogs. I hope I can reach one person who's life will be change and come to Jesus and accept him into their lives. I also hope that those who are Christians will come to realize the importance to reaching out to others, sharing your faith, sharing the gospel.
You see we have to make a difference and we have to start in the corner of this world where we live. One person at a time.
For me I don't want anyone I know to go to hell, and I don't want anyone being able to point the finger at me and say Why didn't you tell me, You knew and you kept silent. With that in mind I will not keep silent about my Faith and what Christ salvation means to me. So you see we don't have a choice we have to share the gift that we have been given. We are not called to be silent we are called to spread the gospel and which ever way that God had given you to do it use it to further the Kingdom of God. Remember the Bible says whoever is ashamed of me before man I will be ashamed of them before the Father. The great commission states we are to preach the Gospel in all the world and that world is right where you live.

I Pray that God will give you the strength and courage to start on this path of sharing the great gift of Grace and Mercy and forgiveness that Christ has given to you.



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